Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Saturday, 11 April 2015


I have had a fantastic week mooching about on the Leicester Arm between Watford Locks and Foxton Locks. Foxton was really busy over Easter with some trade stalls and trading boats in situ. I should think they did a good trade after the "not so" Good Friday weather. I did lots of walking when not cruising including 10 miles on Tuesday! Olivia is behaving herself and so far the only niggle has been a leaky joint in the domestic water system which I think I have fixed with the help of ptfe tape. The poor old girl could do with a bit of preventive maintenance to the bodywork but I should be able to work on that throughout the summer. Today I went to meet the Friends of the River Nene who were having a barbecue at their newly procured mooring in Islip. We were lucky with the weather as it rained until about 10am but stayed dry (if a little breezy) for the rest of the day. They are a nice bunch of boating enthusiasts who are making a difference for the river and its facilities.